Day 46 - July 23 - Hamburg, NY to Canandaigua, NY - 94 miles

Q: What do you do when it rains?
A: You get wet.

After 45 days, with less than a week to go, we got wet. The first cloudburst happened while we were at lunch, so we thought we'd ducked the bullet again, like we did a few days ago. But less than half an hour later, it started up again, and rained on and off, heavier and lighter, for the last 25 miles. I kept the sunglasses on, because they kept the rain out of my eyes. Except for the last 5 miles or so, when the rain was driving past the glasses. The weather system was apparently localized, and centered over us, because it didn't catch up to Dan and Pat until about 4 miles from the end.

Of course, I had packed my rain gear into my luggage this morning, because it didn't look like it was going to rain again. More fool me.

Before that was pretty good. We spent most of the day (and will spend half of tomorrow) on US-20, which my cow-orker Mark wants to drive coast to coast next summer. It's a good assortment of little towns and corn fields.

One of the roadside attractions was an art car in East Aurora. "Art car" is a general term for cars that are decorated in some non-traditional way. I've seen one with action figures glued all over it, and one with quotes written all over it. But this one is Art.

This ride brings us to the western edge of the Finger Lakes, although I didn't go across the road to check out Canadandaigua Lake when I got in. I just wanted to wash myself, my clothes, and my bike.

Paulo's bad luck continued today. He had 5 flats and a broken spoke. He's now riding on two new tires.