Day 2 - June 9 - Fairfield, CA to Sacramento, CA - 57 miles

Nice, flat, short ride. Rode mostly with Andy and Dan. I ended up leading, because Andy lost his cyclometer yesterday on Route 37. While passing a parked car in the breakdown lane, he had to go over the rumble strip, and the cyclometer bounced off into traffic.

Suzanne took a bad spill, and hurt her wrist. Dan (who used to be an Army medic) taped it up with what was available - duct tape.

Saw a road-killed bobcat today. Also great groves of cactus.

Lunch in Davis, just outside the University campus. The directions into town were a mite confusing, so we ended up wandering around. Wandered right into a bike store, where Andy got a new cyclometer, and Dan got a new rack.

They have wonderful bike trails out here.

Wandered down to Sacramento Old Town, which is sort of faux/restored Old West. Bought a couple postcards, then went into the real downtown area to find the post office. At said post office, I had to go through an airport-sytle security screening, just to buy some stamps. They didn't even have a self-service stamp machine outside the security area.

Then tried to find an internet cafe, and failed utterly. Plan B is to get AOL or something. Tried to find a modem adapter for the cellphone, but it's too old. If Francie can order it on the internet, she'll have it shipped out ahead. Plan C is to use land-line dialup from the hotel room.

Best dinner so far - ribs and black beans and salad. Drinks afterwards with Dan (not the same Dan) and Marnie, a couple from Philadelphia. They're so cute.

Andy insists that, on June 17, we are going to watch the England/New Zealand rugby match, whatever it takes.