Day 3 - June 10 - Sacramento, CA to Auburn, CA - 51 miles

Cue sheet for today started out: Get back on the bike path for 33 miles. The Bike paths here are wide, flat, well-paved, clean, with water fountains and bathrooms periodically.

Andy and I took an inadvertant detour towards Folsom. Tbhe directions weren't all that great, and we missed the turn onto the bridge. We figured it out after we crossed Rt 50, and started heading into town.

Sag stop at Folsom Lake - very pretty. But the hills started soon afterwards, all the way into Auburn. (We've entered the Sierra Nevada foothills.) Just the same, we got into town about noon. Ran into the group having lunch at a gourmet pot pie restaurant/cafe that just opened today. We had brought sandwiches from the local deli, but they didn't seem to mind. Bruce says not to expect sandwiches like this for many days to come.

Field trip to the local bike store in the afternoon. I was sort of looking for a safety vest, but mostly just wanted to get out of the hotel. They didn't have what I wanted, but I picked up a postcard for the World's Toughest Century. They have options from 36 miles with 2500 feet of climbing, to 140 miles with 14500 feet of climbing.

I got a peek at the cue sheet for tomorrow - 60-mile climb to Donner Pass, then a bit of a downhill into Truckee.

John has got Andy watching CNN. I even caught him watching Fox News this afternoon. I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on his TV watching habits.