Day 7 - June 14 - Lovelock, NV to Winnemucca, NV - 74 miles

Only about half the day was actually on I-80.

There were two new hazards today: Mormon crickets and concrete rumble strips. Mormon crickets are these honking big (about 2" long) reddish-brown insects that like nothing better than to sit on the shoulder of the highway. They can't fly, but they can hop up to a mile a day, and they eat everything, including road-kill (including other Mormon crickets).

Nevada laid a lot of concrete highway several decades ago, before rumble strips were really well-understood. Yesterday, we had rumble strips on the right half of the shoulder. Today, we got them all the way across the shoulder, so we couldn't go around them without going into the travel lane. They come in sections about 4 or 6 feet across, about 100 to the mile, for 11½ miles into Winnemucca.

After cashing in our free drink coupons at the casino, a bunch of us decided to see the town, and ended up in a good-ol'-boy bar called the Dubble SS Saloon, where we out-numbered the locals. Shot some pool, drank some more beer. After all, it was Saturday night in Winnemucca.